Spring Clothing Swap

Photo of a woman holding several button down shirts on hangers. Text overlay describes a spring clothing swap taking place at Ray's Reusables on April 1

Looking to freshen up your wardrobe the sustainable way? Join us on April 1 (for our first clothing swap!

Here's how it works:

1. Go through your wardrobe and choose up to 15 of your gently used spring and summer garments that aren't serving you anymore

2. When you arrive at the swap you'll receive a token for each garment you bring

3. Exchange your tokens for new-to-you gems and rock your eco-friendly fashion 

Our neighbors across the street at Once Worn Consignment are getting in on the sustainable re-fresh too! Mention the clothing swap to them on 4/1 and get 15% off your purchase.

All clothing left over at the end of the event will be donated to initiatives such as The Wardrobe, a non-profit dedicated to combating clothing insecurity, or distributed to area homeless shelters through our partners at S.H.O.P.